Cappuccino Stout
First Brewed: 1994 A Mondo Coffee StoutBrewed with boatloads of roasted coffee in each batch for that extra Krunk… this Mondo Coffee Stout will leave you wondering whether you’re coming or going.

Up until the summer of 2010, we’d always had a little ditty on the side here that was a peon to a good old hot Cup O’ Joe. It was built on the bones of the 23rd Psalm and went sumpin’ like “Coffee is my shepherd, I shall not…” but that was where the trouble started. Turns out talking about Coffee’s happy side on an ale label is verboten now in Amerika. So, the things that I am allowed to say about it are that coffee is delicious; that the ale is delicious; and that together they are not worse than the sum of their individual deliciousness’, most all of which are delicious. The label is glued on real well too, we make darn sure there are no holes in the glass, and that the cap stays put. We are proud of this and wish to brag about it all on this label, which is allowed by law. Thanks! Call us! 707-769-4495
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